Nov 5, 2012

INDIAN JEWELRY | "Invasive Exotic"

"Invasive Exotic"
Skinny Wolves/Monitor

 Invasive Exotics crawls into your brain, buries itself deep within your medulla oblongata, and unleashes a furious noise upon your waking mind that grips your body in a numbing paralysis. Indian Jewelry make music for wandering the scorching deserts after ingesting heroic doses of peyote. As their name implies, a certain native presence infiltrates the droning dissonance that pervades their debut album. Warning: this is not an album you put on for a sunny drive through the country with your significant other, but rather suited for those lonesome excursions across highways through vast nothingness when your consciousness can be as much an ally as it is a foe. Houston, Texas' Indian Jewelry adorns their music with a sense of impending doom, a motif that is both inescapable and yet utterly alluring. It's mysterious, alien, bizarre, and feels like it should exist only in the mind of a mental patient. And that's exactly what makes listening to it so interesting. The aesthetic opposite of industrial music, while still borrowing from the likes of Trent Reznor and pioneers of synthesizer drones Suicide, the sounds on Invasive Exotics are firmly rooted in the arid landscape of some unknown wilderness, seemingly abandoned by the modern world. - M.Simpson

Grab the LP HERE 

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