Oct 31, 2012

Glowsun brings the "The Sundering" to the bloodyglove

"The Sundering"

France. They've brought us baguettes, croissants and guys like me, who act as if they can speak the language, some pussy here and there (Monsieur de la Boulanger if you're reading this, which I doubt, I didn't understand your daughter when she said she was only seventeen, I only know the number soixant-neuf in French, I'm sorry ok?). Musically they also brought us some good stuff. In that pile of good stuff I'm talking about, Glowsun is the best I've heard so far.
If you enjoy stoner, like I do, you'll love these guys. Are they original and do they define the genre in a new way never heard before? Hell no! They're just really good at making Stoner Rock! I'm talking nineties here, I'm talking Kyuss and early QOTSA here! Not a whole lot of vocals, but just enough to make sure it isn't an instrumental album. Good drumming and great, great guitars. If you picture a guitar sound when thinking of Stoner Rock, this is it! It's hard as hell, it's mushy like it should be and the man found his way to a wah pedal and knows how to use this fine commodity!

The album starts of with an easy song that gets thrashed with harder intervals and some good guitarwork! Highlight of this album is the 7+ minutes song 'Inside My Head'. In this song Glowsun goes all out and plays a lot of great riffs. This song never gets boring, believe me I tried...I listened to it over and over, but it just doesn't. This might be one of the better albums made in Europe this year.

So ladies and gentledudes, go check this band out, but be careful...You might like it!


Grab "The Sundering" LP here

Support this great band LIVE...For more GLOWSUN check out their official site HERE

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