Neurot Recordings Presents...The New U.S. XMAS...
U.S. Christmas
"Run Thick In The Night"

us christmas is a band from the appalachian mountains in western north carolina and eastern tennessee. the band plays a unique brand of psychedelic, high-volume blues rock that evades any easy classification. us christmas now approaches a decade of playing, recording, and evolving, and continues to blur the boundaries of heavy music with ear splitting rock that is by turns jangly, crushing, and dark. the band has often been associated with space rock, and german rolling stone even included the band in an article / compilation cd on the history of that genre. close attention to the bands lyrical content will show that us christmas is not at all concerned with outer space, but rather focus on themes of earth, nature, and terrestrial human history. in fact, the mountains and people of western north carolina are a primary influence on the bands sound. though many have focused on the bands use of vintage synthesizers and
theremin, the band does not rely on any one instrument to create its bizarre sounds proof that brains and hands are a musicians most important tools. us christmas recorded its fifth full-length album, 'run thick in the night', with producer / engineer sanford parker (minsk, buried at sea).
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